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Serafina Pastore
Associate Professor, University of Bari, Italy


Serafina Pastore, PhD, is an associate professor in the Research and Humanities Innovation Department at the University of Bari, Italy. She teaches courses in instructional design and educational assessment and has an extensive experience as teacher trainer. Her research interests are educational assessment in the school and university contexts, formative assessment, feedback, teacher decision-making, and teacher assessment literacy.
She currently serves as member of the quality assurance board of her university and attends as national external advisor in the degree courses accreditation.
She is the co-chair of the Italian Evaluation Association’s Special Interest Group on Educational Assessment and senior editor of Cogent Education Journal (Teaching & Curriculum Studies Section).
Her research has been published in national and international journals, and has been recognized through several awards including, in 2018, the first Emerging Scholar Award in Measurement and Assessment in Higher Education, Special Interest Group 64 - AERA (American Educational Research Association), and, in 2016, the Fulbright Research Fellowship.
Recently, she has begun to focus more generally on assessment literacy and its implications for the teacher education sector, returning to the question what assessment, teacher development, and education quality actually mean for the national school systems.

Keynote Address: Preparing Assessment Literate Teachers: A Feasible Balance of Educational Policy with Research and Practice?


Over time, the efforts made by policymakers, teacher educators, and administrators clearly show how the intersection of teacher education and assessment practice matters in raising education quality. In this perspective, the improvement of teacher assessment literacy represents one of the most pressing contemporary educational policy and practice issues. Although educational research, for nearly more than 60 years, has scrutinized what teachers should essentially know and be able to do with assessment, the concept of assessment literacy remains, per se, a complex and contested concept, difficult to define.

The features of assessment-literate teachers have been progressively identified by mapping out the change they need in order to deal with accountability requirements and to ensure sound instructional decision-making and better learning for students. The concept of teacher assessment literacy, originally limited to measurement and testing practice, has been reshaped and enlarged by scholars. What’s more, the interest in formative assessment and the recognition of the socio-cultural nature of assessment practice has impressed a substantial change in conceptualizations of teacher assessment literacy.
Despite the increased importance accorded to assessment, teachers generally tend to have difficulties in transferring what they have learned in professional development paths into classroom practices. Professional development paths are not always linked to a systematic and critical review of teacher assessment practices and approaches. Moreover, the unprecedented times of the Covid-19 pandemic have made it more evident how, despite the broad literature on educational assessment, teachers struggle to navigate old and new instructional circumstances in their assessment practice. Thus, teacher assessment literacy and professional development have never been more significant than this before.

On the backdrop of the context-dependent nature of the teacher profession, this presentation will provide an overview of the current teacher assessment literacy conceptualizations and models. Furthermore, exploring recent research on the extent to which teachers actually enact classroom assessment, special attention will be given to teachers’ formative assessment literacy.

Encompassing the theoretical and practical plans of educational research, educational policy, and teacher education, this presentation offers an ideal opportunity for attendees to:


  • Conceptualize what is, for them, teacher assessment literacy and why it is important to develop it;

  • Understand which resources they can use to maximize the effects of assessment practice on teaching and student learning;

  • Identify and analyze institutional, interpersonal, and personal learning mechanisms in developing of assessment literacy.

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