Heidi Reid
Chief Executive Officer, International Diagnostic & Admissions Test (IDAT)
Heidi Reid is the founder and CEO of the International Diagnostic & Admissions Test (IDAT). The IDAT is an admissions assessment in the K-12 space, used by international schools on 6 continents as a way to understand, support and know their incoming students.
Heidi spent 9 years teaching English and primary school in Hong Kong and Japan, before moving to Australia to complete her Post Graduate Diploma in Education. She worked as a teacher, principal and school leader for more than 25 years. She has an MBA and a Masters in TESOL.
Heidi has served on the board of directors of two schools in Australia and on the Board of Directors and Advisory Council for NEAS (National ELICOS Accreditation Scheme). She has also held convenor positions with the International Education Association of Australia.
In 2019, she launched the IDAT assessment platform and began to create a global presence for this innovative and unique platform which assesses students for entry into international schools. The test includes a character self-assessment, interviews with avatars and is on the cutting edge of security and testing for schools around the world. The IDAT was a finalist for innovation in Assessment at the 2022 PIEoneer Awards.
AFrom the 1960s onwards, the world was taught to both be excited and to fear Artificial Intelligence. We wondered, ‘Was it going to be warm and cuddly like Wall-E?’ or ‘Would AI turn on us like HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey?’
AI is here. It is a part of our lives. It is neither cute and cuddly nor something to be feared: it is a tool in our toolbox for life and education. From an assessment viewpoint, is AI a threat or an opportunity?
This presentation will look at the latest research and data, and share some interesting and cutting-edge examples of how AI is being used in the world of school assessments. As school leaders, what do you need to know about how it is being used? What opportunities are out there to use it more effectively?
It will examine assessment from the following perspectives: looking at what is out there, what is possible and where we are headed in the future.
Assessors using AI to write and mark assessments
Students using AI to complete assessments
AI for monitoring or proctoring assessments
Assessing how students make use of A
AI for assessing soft skills and for traditional academic competencies
AI & Assessment:
Threat or Opportunity
Expert Workshop
Teachers are well aware of the threats and opportunities that AI brings to the classroom.
Those writing assessments both fear and embrace AI and what it can offer. This workshop will make educators comfortable with the changes, opportunities and risks that AI can bring to your assessments and your classrooms.
In groups, participants will look at examples of AI used for various school purposes in marking assessments, creating assessments and communicating with those involved with the school.
Key Objectives:
The workshop will examine and come to some conclusions on how effective AI is for purpose and what the limitations and possibilities are for AI in the following school contexts:
Marking and assessing qualitative elements of tests
Creating assessments
Communicating with students, parents and management.
​​The workshop will conclude with participants having a range of best practice plans, goals and ideas about how to better use AI in the classroom and for assessment.